Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WIP Wednesday - Wingspan

Only another 5.5 hexipuffs to go! I'm really excited about that :) I've recently moved to another location at work, so instead of having a 30 minute bike-commute each way, I now have a 45 minute bus-commute each way, meaning I can knit on the way! I've gotten 1-2 done each day doing that, so now I can definitely see the end of the tunnel!

Fortunately it means I can knit other things at home with a free conscience, so I've started Wingspan for a dear friend of mine. Her birthday isn't until the end of October, so there should be plenty of time to finish :)
The only problem is that while I love the feel of the yarn, I'm not entirely sure I like the way the colours knit up. I change my mind every 5 minutes.

Opinions? Other patterns you think the yarn would be better suited for?

For more WIPs, check out Tami's Amis.


  1. It's not too bad, the colours I mean. That kind of blocky look gives you these trendy asymmetrical stripes. You've done lots and if I've done that much I would never frog! :D

    *fist bump for fellow yarnie commuter*

    1. No, I'm really not too keen on frogging it either. I think I'll just knit on and see how it goes.

      *fist bump back*

  2. I think the colors are looking awesome

  3. I really like how the colors are knitting up, but if you aren't pleased with it, you will dislike working on it. Go with your gut!

    1. Hmmm... considering I actually love working on it, that must mean the colours aren't as big of a deal as I originally thought :) Thanks!

  4. I knit during my commute and love it! I definitely get a lot during the ride.

  5. I think the colors are ending just nice.

  6. Oh I really like the way the colours are knitting up. It's one of the nicest Wingspan's I've seen :)

  7. I love how the colors are working up! It gives the Wingspan a totally different look (in a positive way of course)
