Alas, the sock from last week hasn't come much further. It's gotten a heel, but that's about it:

I decided to go with "just knitting on" and making the socks slightly asymmetrical. I think it'll work out nicely :)
However, the lack of progress isn't due to the "second sock" syndrome, but I've suddenly been commisioned to knit something for a friend! I have joined the hexipuff craze :D
I was visiting a friend Friday evening. She's just been redecorating her place, so of course I had to see how that had turned out (absolutely terrific, btw). She told me that the only thing she was missing now was a mirror for the front hall, and a colour-coordinated throw. She'd found a throw online, which she showed me a picture of, but as it was a "brand" it was INSANELY expensive, so there was no way she would be getting that one... bar winning Lotto obviously ;)
Looking at the picture, I thought it looked awfully familiar, so I borrowed her computer, went to Ravelry and showed her the photos of
The Beekeeper's Quilt.
"I know it's not quite the same, but how do you like this one?"
"I love it! It looks really cool!"
"I could knit that for you, if you'd like?" I was half-way joking, but thankfully she
loved the idea!! So much so that we immediately went out to purchase the yarn (there's a really neat yarn shop just down the block from where she lives), so I arrived home with 16 skeins of yarn, and 80 hexipuffs to knit :) Since it's for a throw, I'm using a lot thicker yarn than the original pattern calls for, so the finished hexipuffs are almost 10 x 8 cm (I'm using too thin needles to make them symmetrical, but I didn't realize that until I had made 10 and by then I couldn't be bothered starting over again ;) ) and 1cm thick, but for a throw or a rug I think it'll work really well!
I'm not stuffing the hexipuffs though!
Hexipuffs are wonderfully satisfying to knit, because they're so fast! The first took me about an hour, and the time has been slowly decreasing as I'm getting more practise. I've gotten 16 done so far so hopefully she won't have to wait several months for me to finish ;)
And I simply love the way the colours look together :)