Wednesday, May 27, 2020

WIP Wednesday 22

... and suddenly 2 months went by without me making a single WIP post! I've been pretty low-key with my knitting, so nothing really fancy to show off, but at least I have a few finished objects by now.

First a pink cardigan for Nora! Michala sent me a video of her asking kindly when it would be finished... I hadn't even cast on yet!!! :-O Of course that was just not good enough, so I immediately made sure to remedy that (fortunately I HAD swatched at least), and sent her regular updates. Despite being tiny it took a LONG time to knit, as it's knit on a really small gauge. I'd changed the pattern to have buttons all the way down (instead of just closing at the neck), but forgot to adjust the body accordingly, so unfortunately it's a tad too tight if all buttons are closed :-P That's easily remedied by a larger button band though, so I'll probably do that at some point.

But fortunately Nora loves it :-D - she picked out the buttons herself!

I finally finished the Turtle Trail shawlette I started last year. It's knit from some mystery lace yarn Liz gave me, which absolutely, positively has some NZ possum in it! It is so AMAZINGLY soft! It will be a firm favourite come winter for sure!
Oh, and can I just say that I love applied edgings? They're so much fun to knit! :-D

With these things cast off, I've started another cardigan for Nina, as she asked for one for her birthday. It's slow going as it has a LOT of lace, but I'm really loving the way it's turning out. It's made from cotton, which isn't my usual fare, but very soft cotton, so it doesn't hurt my hands :)