The simple ribbed socks - I've just finished the first one, and am ready to cast on for number two.
Looks like I get about half a repeat done a week on the Feather and Fan scarf. I'm still not quite half-way, but at least I haven't neglected it completely either.
I've knit another 4 hexagons (or starfish) for the Polygon blanket. I'm going to start out with three of each colour, and then decide from there how much larger I want to make it.
And finally, I've done a bit of knitting on the Paradise Cardigan. I decided to just go head with the sleeves, and have managed two more stripes there. Not that much, but I've actually deliberately put this aside to focus on my obligation knitting, so I don't feel too badly about that.
... and as always I have a TON of other things I want to cast on ASAP. I want to get the socks and (most of) the scarf out of the way before casting on anything new though... we'll see how long that lasts.