Wednesday, July 4, 2018

WIP Wednesday: Week 27

It's been four weeks since I posted a WIP post last, so I have a ton of things to show off this time. Not very many finished objects, but I'm SO close on a few.

All the Socks!
I've finished one pair of socks and am in the middle of 4 other pairs. The finished pair was me trying out a new heel, and it turned out waaaaay too big, so I ended up giving them to Christian in the hopes that he could fit them - fortunately, he could :-D
I'm knitting two pairs of "Kinda Magic Socks" from Wool and the Gang which Liz got me the yarn for. I'm not entirely impressed by how they've sized the socks (far too short leg, far too long foot - I had to make a VERY shorter toe than the pattern calls for - and I have fairly large feet, for a woman!), but it's a fun knit nonetheless and a very clear indicator of how much a person's gauge can change - even just from day to day!

The last pair is a testknit I signed up for last month. I finished the first sock (and thus the testknit) over the weekend, but haven't yet cast on the second one. I'll probably do that once I finish one or both of the Kinda Magic Socks.

Meet Lark, the Cutest Monster Around
Some of our friends recently had a boy, so of course I had to make him a stuffed toy. Lark turned out so much cuter than I had expected, so though he was a lot of work, it was so worth it :-D

Almost done!
I don't think I've shown my rainbow Elfe off before. I started it just over a month ago and am almost done!!! Just one more stripe and then I can cast off. I've knit the Elfe 3 times before, so I took a chance and didn't swatch :-P Looks like it fits just fine though... we'll see how it goes after blocking. It's quite a bit longer than my other Elfes, but I wanted to use up every last bit of the rainbow yarn - besides, I like tunics, so it's all good :-) Just hope the yarn softens up with blocking though... it's a tad scratchy just now.