Not as many finished objects this time around, but that's okay. I have a LOT of different things on the needles, so it makes sense that I haven't gotten that far in any of them.
I do want to show off Anne's sweater though. She came by to get it weekend before last, and to my great relief, it fits her perfectly! Yay! :-

I've also just finished my second Knit Your Love shawl, and it's currently blocking. I got so much use out of the first one I made (which I lost in a train :-( ), so I'm looking forward to this one being dry and ready to wear!

On the Needles
Currently on the needles is Nora's Unicorn sweater. Alas, I'm not quite as close to being done as this photo would indicate, as I have to rip back the ribbing of the body and add another 5cm. For some stupid reason I decided to trust the pattern's measurements over my own! Not entirely sure about my logic there, and fortunately I stopped to have Mixi double-check before I finished it off. Anyways, I'm missing the ribbing of one sleeve and then the 5cm I have to add to the body. I'll have this done in PLENTY of time for Christmas!

Apart from that I've started not one, not two but THREE Mystery Knit-Alongs on Ravelry (a knit-along where you get the clues as you go, so you have no idea what you'll end up with). I've never done MKALs before, and now I'm doing three?? Go figure. Anyway, in order not to spoil anybody who doesn't want to be spoiled, I won't post any photos here, but just link to my projects on Ravelry:
Advent Cowl
I was out of town when the last clue came out, so I'm slightly behind in all of them, but rushing to catch up! :-D