The finished objects first - I finished the Katia sweater earlier this month, so Nina could get it when I saw her on October 12th. I am SO happy with how it turned out, and it fits her perfectly :-D It's not a colour combo I'd necessarily have chosen myself, but it worked really well and is SO right for her. And of course - being the ridiculously knitworthy person she is - Nina made sure to coordinate her makeup to it!

I recently discovered a group on FB that makes "pocket friends" for Danish ambulances. "Pocket friends" are small 7x13cm stuffed toys that EMTs can give to sick/injured children to offer a bit of comfort. Of course I had to join, and I've finished 4 so far, and am planning to make more.

Yesterday I finished the socks I'm making for a colleague of mine. I'm glad she said she likes bright colours, because it is LOUD!! But she squees every time she sees it, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

As for my works in progress, I decided to have a birthday cast on (i.e. a guilt-free cast on because it's my birthday. "Unlike 'a guilt-free cast on because it's Friday?" Nina asked... Hush, sis!) this year, and after a LOT of wavering back and forth I ended up with a modified version of the Jillian pullover. I knew I wanted something with stripes, but couldn't find a stripy project with the neckline I desired. This one had EXACTLY the right neckline, but wasn't stripy... very easily changed! I've just reached the waist decreases, although I've moved those further in towards the center of the sweater - Amy Herzog-style.

It's a quick knit, and I would have been much further along, if it hadn't been for me casting on yet ANOTHER sweater :-D One of my colleagues has this amazing green knitted sweater that she wears all the time. I complimented it the other week, and she immediately told me that a friend of hers had knit it for her - if I'd like the pattern? Uhm... yes, please!! I bought the yarn a few days later, and cast on that same evening (after doing only a cursory swatch... schhh... I'm living on the edge!). It's thick yarn held double on huge needles, so should knit up really fast! And the yarn is AMAZINGLY soft, so I can't wait to get to wear it!

And finally - because all of the above obviously isn't enough! - I decided to cast on Stephen West's newest Mystery shawl - the Starflake. I usually stay away from MKALs as I prefer to know what the finished product looks like before I commit to a knit, but I'd seen the two first clues and LOVED the way it looked, so couldn't help myself any longer. I didn't have any suitable fingering weight yarn in my stash, but loads and loads of lace-weight, so I frogged a long-languishing sweater that has been on the needles since 2015, so I'm obviously never going to finish that one and am using that yarn held double instead.