Title: Anyone Can Crochet Amigurumi Animals
Author: Kristi Simpson
Genre: crochet patterns
Number of Patterns: 15
Skill level: Adventurous beginner / Intermediate
Rating: 4/5
# pages: 128
"Anyone Can Crochet Amigurumi Animals" is a new collection of 15 cute anthropomorphized amigurumi animals. From foxes and hippos to koalas and giraffes, the pattern collection has something to offer to just about anybody. I'm especially keen on trying out the bee myself... a bee in trousers with suspenders? What's not to like!
All the patterns have a ton of details, making them perhaps a bit time-consuming and fiddly to make, but the end project is so worth it, as they all look really, really cute.
Each pattern comes with a detailed introduction of yarn used, and expected size at the given gauge, and the instructions are very clear and with lots of photos along the way. I'd perhaps not recommend it to a complete beginner, as there are a LOT of details to each pattern, but the book includes an introduction of which yarn to choose and what hook to use, as well as a complete glossary with all the stitches to use, and tips and tricks for people new to amigurumi, so who knows - these cute animals may be just the push some people need, to get started crocheting toys.
I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
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