Tuesday, June 11, 2013

WIP Wednesday - Now for the sleeves!!

I finished the front of my 80s sweater this weekend, and even went so far as to weave in all the ends right away! I hate weaving in ends, so I knew I'd be better off just getting it out of the way immediately. But that means I'm now onto the sleeves! Only gotten half of one done so far, but it's coming along nicely :)

However that means I haven't really been working on my KAL at all. Didn't even manage one full repeat of Chart A since last week. But at least I'm now on my last repeat of Chart A and get to move on to Chart B soon! :)


  1. ooh very pretty colours in the sweater - gorgeous, I'm excited to see it finished. Have a knitty wednesday xx

  2. Love how the sweater is coming along! What a great idea to weave in the ends as you go - I hate that part of knitting as well. And at least you are making progress on something! I only knit about 12 rows this past week of a tank top I am making :-)

  3. Your 80s sweater is coming together nicely. Looking forward to seeing the FO.

  4. great colour selections on both project, can't wait to see the FO too :)

  5. I love your 80s sweater so far. Probably wise to weave in ends as you go. If there are too many at the end it puts me off finishing altogether :)

  6. Amazing proyects, my favorite is the sweater.

    Here's my WIP: http://mibruno.com/en-proceso-92/

  7. You'll be so glad later that you dealt with those ends now! Does it have big floofy sleeves?

    1. I definitely will! Yup, it does :) After the ribbing the sleeves poof out and have as many stitches across as the front does!
