Monday, November 17, 2014

Year of Projects - Week 20

Woohoo! Only one day late, instead of my usual 3 or 5 ;)

The Little Pole has finally seen some significant progress. I've finished knitting the collar and just need to graft it together - then I can get started on the sleeves! I'm slightly worried about how much yarn I have left though. I have another 4 skeins (50g each), which should be enough for the sleeves, but won't leave me much for the belt and pompoms. Ah well, if all else fails, I have some white cotton yarn I should be able to use instead. Or it may turn out that I've grossly overestimated how much yarn the sleeves will take, and I'll have plenty! Wouldn't be the first time ;)

I've managed decent progress on my November Socks as well. These are the "Spring Forward" socks by Linda Welch. I love the pattern, but am not entirely happy with the yarn. It's Mayflower Divine 1 ply, and it's both too thick and too fluffy for socks in my mind. I have one more skein, but think I will use that for something else instead.

It's not all bad though, I love the colours! :) I turned the heel over the weekend (a fish-lips-kiss heel - still my favourite, even though I want to try other short-row heels now) and am just over half-way through the foot, so it's going at a nice speed. Who knows - maybe I'll manage to finish within the month for once! ;)

July Sock (Braided Swirl Socks)
Stashbuster #1 (Dragonfly Elfe)
August Sock (Vanilla Socks)
September Sock (My Little Cup of Tea)
October Sock (Sunset Scales)
Stashbuster #2 (Little Pole)
November Sock (Spring Forward)
December Sock
Stashbuster #3
Stashbuster #4
(Stashbuster #5)
(Stashbuster #6)


  1. The socks are a gorgeous colourway... they look soft and snuggly x

  2. I love the gradient colour in the socks the more thats knit the more I get to see it and like it.

  3. I love little pole - I'm intrigued as to how it will come together. The socks look great and a bit of fluffy is nice!! Love the colour.

  4. Love the socks - gorgeous colours - and I'm looking forward to seeing Little Pole come together!

  5. Little Pole looks beautiful, will be keeping my eye on it, to see how it looks when finished.
