Wednesday, December 30, 2015

WIP Wednesday - Christmas Knitting

The startitis continues, and I've added not one, but two projects since last week :)

The first new project is one I've been wanting to knit for ages, but where I didn't feel like I could justify the price of the pattern. Mum to the rescue :) She was just as taken with it as I was, and gave it to me for Christmas! Of course I had to cast on for the Butterfly/Papillon right away, and after a single false start (my first choice of yarn turned out to be all wrong for the pattern) I'm happily knitting away on it :)
I'm already thinking up a ton of other colour combinations I'd like to try out too, so I'm thinking this may be the first of many ;-)

The second new project is just a pair of plain vanilla socks. I realized all projects on my needles were ones where I needed the pattern on a regular basis, and I needed something simple to bring with me places. Besides, I'd just gotten hold of this awesome sparkly yarn and wanted to see it knit up :)

I've also been knitting (a tiny bit) on existing projects though. I finished yet another pair of tube socks for Nora....
and yesterday I finished the first of the socks for the test-knit I'm doing on Ravelry :)
Now I just need to get the second one cast on right away - my second sock syndrome tends to be worse for socks with colourwork, so it's better to just dive straight into it.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully your second sock syndrome won't be too bad....great colors for the shawl!
