Despite a bit of a delay, I managed to finish my September socks in time for me to gift them to Liz when I visted her last weekend. She'd asked for long socks to keep her calves warm in winter-time. I didn't quite make them knee-length, but definitely longer than any other socks I've knit so far. They were knit toe-up with a heel-flap. That's the first time I've succesfully performed a toe-up heel-flap, but it went perfectly! No clue what's gone wrong the other times, but this is heaps easier than a heel-flap top-down (no pesky stitches to pick up! ;) )
Since the beginning of September, I've happily cast on three new things and am swatching for a fourth. Obviously I needed something new after all the finishing of Stashdash ;)
First cast on is a pair of socks. I needed some easy travel-knitting and socks tend to be my go-to in that regard.
Finally I've joined the Polygon craze and found the perfect yarn for it at the craft fair. I've only knit one hexagon so far, but I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one :)
Everything looks fantastic! I particularly like how the colors are working out in the scarf. Beautiful!