Apologies for the length. I have done a LOT of crafting in October! Hadn't realized how much until I sat down to compose this post. Might be time to go back to posting these updates a tad more often again - once a month gets a bit overwhelming if I've been working on a lot of different things. Anyway, I'm sure you all are hugely interested in such musings of mine ;)
Finished Objects
I had hoped to have quite a number of finished objects to show off in this post, but as it turned out I could manage only two pairs of socks. However, I have a lot of things
almost finished, so next update should be better :-)
My two finished objects are the second Kinda Magic socks from Wool and the Gang and an ooooold testknit where I finally got the second sock done. I decided to make the two socks fraternal, as I found the original pattern a bit too busy for the yarn (although it was deliberately designed for a very varigated yarn, soo....). The original pattern had every second diamond be purl bumps, but I decided to make a no-purl version for the second sock. Hard to tell the difference, as the yarn pooled vastly differently as well, but it was certainly a lot faster to knit, as I didn't have to consult the pattern as often!
On The Needles
I've been working on a LOT of things this past month. Almost all presents too! Although I have added a few pairs of socks for myself too.
Mostly, I've been working on Anne's sweater. I just cast off the neckline which means the knitting is DONE. It's currently blocking and then I just need to seam and weave in ends! The end is in sight! Anne tried on the body of the sweater last month, and it fit her really well :-) So hopefully it will do so after blocking too!
Next I've been working on the Unicorn Sweater for Nora. She was so excited when she heard I was knitting her a sweater - stood perfectly still while I took her measurements, and kept asking me when it would be done! Such enthusiasm is great motivation for me, so though I should really have been focusing on Anne's sweater, I cast it on last week and am slowly working my way through the colourwork of the yoke. The yarn is a DREAM to work with, so as soon as the colourwork is done, the rest should go WHOOSH! But I'm really not sure I'm ready to embark on an adult-sized sweater with colourwork anytime soon - it's sloooooow! Of course it doesn't help that some rows have FOUR colours at the same time! Three I can handle (2 in left hand, 1 in right), but 4? Gah! It's a hot mess. I just HOPE I'm leaving the floats long enough so it doesn't pucker up too badly. I'd hate to have to rip back...
(Actually - I've just finished 2 rounds with just 3 colours and it is SO much easier that I'm considering just doing the rest with 3 colours, and then going back to add the few stitches of the fourth colour (~12 sts per repeat) with double knitting. Might make the stitches "pop" more than what is intended, but it will also make me not want to rip out my hair constantly... probably worth it).
I also decided it was HIGH time I finished the Steggie cardigan, so have finished the back and the left front and am half-way through the right front. I decided to just do a button band instead of sewing in a zipper - hopefully that will make me actually finish it sometime soon!
The second Happy Hippo is almost done! I've joined all pieces together but the very last one and it's currently blocking, which means that as soon as it's dry I can stuff it and add the last piece! Can't wait to see it all done :-D
We have a Christmas lunch coming up at work. Usually I don't bother attending, but this is a tiny one just for my current project. I really like all my coworkers there, so not only am I attending, I'm knitting a Minikin for everybody on the team :-D We're 14 in total, and I've knit 9 so far. It's not for another 3 weeks, so I should have NO problems finishing!
And finally (I think) I've cast on two new pair of socks. Once is an intricate lace pattern that is slow going, but will look AMAZING when done, and the other is just a plain pair of Vanilla Socks. I needed something to knit at work meetings, and vanilla socks are by far the most unobtrusive. This is the Pairfect yarn by Arne and Carlos from Regia.