I've finished StashDash!!! This weekend I performed sweater surgery on my Spring Showers cardigan, and lengthened the sleeves, so they're now FINALLY exactly as long as I'd like them! I cut off the cuffs (as the ribbing was plenty long as it was), added the extra length in plain stockinette and then grafted the two parts together again. I'm very pleased with the result - you can't see the graft at all! And once I've blocked them, the 'fresh' stockinette should be invisible too :)

Lastly I've gotten a little bit of work done on the Striped Beach Sweater, so it now has one sleeve! I reeeeeally want to finish that this week too, so I can give it to Nora when I see her on Saturday, but we'll see how that goes. It also depends on whether or not I have suitable buttons, or if I have to go shopping for those first.