While searching for colourwork patterns to practice my fair isle (which is how I found the gloves above). I came across an awesome cowl that seemed waaaaay out of my reach at the time. However, the idea stuck and I finally decided just to go for it.
The idea is to make a "My Favourite Things" cowl - so rather than being an actual pattern, it's more of a "recipe" with ideas of how to combine several different colourwork designs to make an amazingly colourful cowl that's incredibly personal to boot.
I loved it! And have been spending much of the past two weeks looking up (or even designing) patterns I wanted to add. This past weekend I finally decided to start, and though my tension still needs a LOT of work, I'm absolutely loving the way it's turning out :-) Granted, there are places where I wish I'd chosen a different colour-combo (and there are bound to be more as I go along), but I'm trying not to let my inner perfectionist get the better of me and just run with it. Once I start allowing myself to second guess my choices, I'd get choice paralysis and never get anything done!

-- Hearts
-- Jumping dogs (although they really didn't end up looking much like dogs! :-P Afterwards I found a much better dog-pattern elsewhere - go figure)
-- A rainbow (wish I'd done something else first - the blue in the rainbow gets mixed up with the blue in the sky below).
-- Keyboard
-- Swirls
-- New York Skyline
-- A train