Wednesday, February 26, 2014

WIP Wednesday

Three active WIPs this week... I'm not very good at this monogamous knitting thing ;)

I'm close to being done with the socks for my nephew. Finished both tubes, and have now started on one afterthought heel. Should be able to finish this week so I can get them off to him :)

Next up is the very colourful Hitchhiker :) I've just finished the 27th tip, so am slightly over half-way tipwise, but most definitely not knit-wise! That's the problem with rows that get longer and longer for each row! Still, I'm enjoying the knitting. It's relatively mindless, so perfect for TV-viewing or to bring along to bible study, but has just enough of a pattern not to be completely boring.

Finally, my newest project :) I recently got hold of some Lana Tweed on sale and had found the perfect cardigan for it... or so I thought. Because when I started actually knitting the swatch for it, I discovered that I do NOT like purling with this yarn at all, and that for the sake of my own sanity I needed to find a sweater knit in the round instead.

Fortunately Emily / Oohfancypants of the Whatchaswatching podcast had just finished off the September Morn pullover which had inspired me to put it on my Ravelry queue, and I figured that would work quite nicely. Granted, it wouldn't be a nice cardigan suitable for work, but it would be a nice, comfy sweater for weekends and lounging around the house. I cast on this weekend, and so far it's coming along quite nicely :)
Still don't think I'll be purchasing yarn like this again any time soon though.


  1. A sweater knit in the round sounds like something I should do! It looks pretty! I also love the hitchhiker, it is one of the shawls that I have been eyeing for sometime. Maybe this summer I will try casting on for it :-)

  2. What a lovely bright color for your sweater. Love the hitchhiker.
