Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Month of Socks is drawing to an end

"Only" 4 WIPs this week :) One I finished, the other hasn't seen any work since last week.

The Monkey sock is past the heel, and I only have another 3-4 cm to go before the toes. The leg is a tad longer than I usually prefer, but I'd forgotten I needed an extra inch after the last repeat of the pattern for the Fish-Lips-Kiss heel.
Ah well, they'll be nice come winter :) I think I like the FLK heel well enough - it's certainly easier to knit than the heel flap - but it's hard to say for sure until the sock is done.

I've been working hard on the Conwy socks though, and am hoping to finish these by Saturday so they'll be eligible for the Month of Socks KAL :)
I'm liking them more than I did last week fortunately, so they're not as much of a chore as I'd feared :)

The Terra Linda is coming along nicely :) I've split for the sleeves, and am working my way down the back. I think I'll take a page out of Jasmin's (the Knitmoregirl) book and do the sleeves once I finish the current skein, so I don't have too much fabric to turn around all the time.

Finally I have knit another 4 squares on my sock blanket, and am starting to work my way up the right side :)


  1. Your socks are gorgeous - I especially like the colour of the first pair.

    1. I adore that colour as well! Found the yarn in Manchester, and just couldn't keep my hands off it!

  2. They are all cool but I especially love the Terra Linda! It looks so pretty!

    1. Thank you. I'm really happy with how it's turning out myself :)

  3. FLK heel? Never heard of it. You'll have to let us know how you like it in the end. The sweater is just beautiful!

    1. Fish-Lips-Kiss heel. Basically a short-row heel.

      Thank you! :)
