Monday, July 7, 2014

Year of Projects Week 4.1

July started just one week ago, and with it the Year of Projects. You can find my list here.

The start of YoP coincided with Just One More Row's "Christmas in July" CAL, so I haven't been doing all that much dedicated knitting, as I kinda fell into an ornament hole ;) I did manage to cast on for my first top though, and have knit the first 8 rounds. I decided to start with the Elfe top, using the Fiber Optics yarn as I figured this would give me a chance to actually have it done so I can wear it this summer! :)
It's knitting up rather loose, which I find somewhat strange, as my swatch didn't, but I'll give it a few more rounds and then re-check my gauge. I did swatch in the round, so it shouldn't be too different.

The July sock is going a bit better. I knit on it quite a bit Saturday, and am about halfway done with the leg. It's a quick knit and super-easy to memorize, so I should have this done by the end of the week (well, I kinda have to - it's a test-knit that's due next Tuesday!)


  1. I think your Elfie top is going to be stunning in that fiber. Will look forward to seeing it completed. Love, love, love, the sock color and the pattern is so pretty.

  2. Elfe is going to look great in that yarn, it's so pretty and I hope your gauge is right and doesn't need changing. That is a pretty yarn for the socks and it looks to be a good quick knit and I'm sure you'll have it done by next Tuesday.

  3. Both of those yarns are gorgeous, such intense colours. Hope the gauge is ok.

  4. Elfe is such a cute pattern! And your sock looks great. I hope you'll post a pattern link once it emerges from test knitting and is available to the public!

    1. Thanks! And of course :) I thought it might be something you'd like to knit :)

  5. You have great taste in colors. I like what you're working with.

  6. Loving the colour of thae fibre optics yarn, this is going to look great!

  7. You have beautiful yarns in your stash and I love the projects you've chosen. If was younger and had a figure anymore, I'd be knitting up some of those items too.LOL! I am planning on socks again this year. I didn't get any done last year and it was supposed to be my "sock" year. I love a fresh slate! So glad you're here!
