Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WIP Wednesday - Slippers

Over the last few weeks I've managed to finish pretty much all of my active WIPs (so I've got a bunch of FOs to show you on Friday!) and was at a bit of a loss as to what I wanted to knit next! I even made false starts on two shawls that I ended up frogging again because I didn't like the way the yarn behaved.

Finally I decided to just pick something and stick with it, even if it might not be the most fascinating project ever. I have 100g of various DK/Worsted weight yarn that I'd been meaning to knit into Salomas Slippers but just never got around to, so I figured now was as good a time as any.

Not the most challenging knit ever, but they're fast and fun, so I'll take it. And I'm very amused by how they look with no foot inside.

They're slightly too small - I knit size medium and should probably have gone for a large instead, but I wasn't sure I'd have enough yarn. I have PLENTY so now I'm considering whether I should frog the first one and knit a pair in size large instead, or if I should just knit the second one as medium as well, and pass them on to somebody with smaller feet! ;)


  1. Those are cool slippers, I would go ahead and knit the other in the same size. It's great to have a gift on hand, as a knitter people often expect a knitted gift and you will have one ready. Just my 2 cents. I found your blog through Tami's wip wednesdays
