Wednesday, September 10, 2014

WIP Wednesday - On and Off the Needles

On the Needles
I recently started my September Socks, but the yarn is giving me a great deal of trouble. I started out by casting on for the Caretta Caretta socks from "Socktopus"...
But about 13 rounds into the pattern, the yarn started telling me that it really wanted to be Hermione's Everyday Socks instead. I know that you should always listen to the yarn, and so I ripped back and cast on HES instead...
... only for the yarn to go "Oooh :( This is just glorified vanilla socks! That's boring!" (and I kinda agree - I think this pattern would be a lot better for a much more colourful yarn).
So now I've ripped back again, and have cast on for My Cup of Tea Socks HOPING that third time's the charm, and I'll actually be motivated to finish these socks!

... It's not all wasted though - I did realize that I like the twisted rib a LOT better than a plain 1-1 rib - it looks heaps more polished.

Fortunately my other project is behaving a lot better. I cast on for the Little Pole less than two weeks ago and am loving it!
You knit the square back first, and then do a provisional cast on and knit the collar together with the square as you go along. Such a fun construction, and I love the way the yarn fits the pattern :) At this rate I'll finish LONG before Christmas ;)

Off the Needles
I finally finished my Terra Linda Cardigan! I'm not entirely sure whether I'm thrilled or disappointed though.. It grew so much during blocking, and now has a completely different (although not necessarily bad) fit compared to prior to blocking.

This is the cardigan that I made for a friend of mine. I'll be seeing her on Saturday and just hope that she'll like it.

But if this one might be too big, I fear that my other project might be too small! I'll admit to being rather proud of this project though, as I knit it with my own handspun! I'd been thinking that it would make the perfect hat for my niece-to-be (due right after Christmas), so I found a suitable pattern, cast on, and 2 hours later, this was the result!

It looks awfully small to me though, but perhaps that's just because I keep forgetting how tiny newborns actually are! I only used up 80% of the yarn though, so if it's totally off, I should be able to make it bigger.

And if not, at least it fits Peanut perfectly ;)

A Review
Netgalley kindly sent me "Great Little Gifts to Knit" by Jean Moss to review. You can read my review here (link to Goodreads).


  1. I am really digging Little Pole! It is so adorable and the yarn is perfect!

  2. I struggle with hat sizing of tiny folks and I do think its because I have completely forgotten how big or small they really are *laughs* I love the cardigan too.. and even though it blocked out bigger, it looks great!

  3. I love the yarn for Little Pole. Your other knits are great also. I hope your third set of socks work with that yarn or vice versa.
