I actually have surprisingly few things on the needles, as I've managed to cast off a bunch of things this past week. I'm too eager to show them off to wait for Friday, so I'll "cheat" and post them early! :)
I have finally gotten the hang of crochet it seems. I've been playing around with it a bit, and this weekend managed to finish my two first proper crochet items :) However, it is more than a tiny bit confusing that not only are UK and US crochet terms not the same, but sometime the same term means two different things!!!! That will cause some frustration until I get the hang of it, I'm sure :-P
I'm getting pretty fast at doing the stitches themselves, but getting that first row done where I crochet into the chain? GAH! That's still giving me problems. I almost hope I'm doing it wrong, because I'm getting increasingly frustrated by how slow-moving it is, but probably it's just a matter of practise, practise, practise.
This next project, however, I am absolutely THRILLED by how it turned out! It's the Crochet Hook Case by Sally V. George, and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out :)
I added a border and simplified the pocket, but otherwise it is exactly as written. At the time of making it, I hadn't yet decided I wanted to keep my DPNs there too, which is why it isn't quite tall enough, but it's close enough that I don't even mind. I absolutely love it, and may make another one for the rest of my DPNs :)
I haven't completely forsaken my knitting though. I finally cast off Sleeves, and it's currently blocking, waiting to dry so I can weave in the ends.
And finally, while I didn't finish the pair, I did at least manage to finish one September Sock ;) Hopefully I'll do better with my October Socks.