Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WIP Wednesday - Another Sweater?

On the Needles
Only two active things on the needles this week, but I'm meeting up with my friend tomorrow, so hopefully the Terra Linda cardigan will see some action again soon :)

Instead I've been working on Sleeves for another friend of mine. It's the perfect travel knitting, so I bought it along for our trip to Jutland last weekend. Unfortunately, in the end I ended up driving about half the way there, so I didn't get quite as much done on it as I had hoped, but I'd guess I'm about half way through the second sleeve now.

Of course it doesn't help that I also cast on something new ;-) My sister had mentioned that my oldest niece needed a cardigan, and after making sure that it would be alright with niece, I decided to make her one for Christmas :) I had some appropriate yarn, and sent off 5-6 patterns for them to choose between. Fortunately niece picked my favourite :) so I couldn't help myself, but had to cast on right away. This is the Little Pole by Joji Locatelli, and it has a really unusual construction which is why it looks so odd right now ;) The red yarn is a provisional cast on... I've never been able to make it work in the past, so I'm ever so slightly interested in seeing whether I actually managed to get it right this time! That's a while off still though. The yarn is discontinued so I'd better have enough! ;)

Between the Pages
At the start of the year I joined a Childhood Favourites Challenge, but stuff happened, and I got side-tracked. Yesterday I decided to pick it up again, and decided to (re-)kick it off with my favourite Nancy Drew book. I haven't read this in 20+ years, so I hope it can pass the test of time :)

Stash Stories
My LYS still has a 50% sale, and despite the fact that I really don't need any more yarn, I went past the other day. I needed some 4mm Knitpro tips, and told myself I'd be good and not buy any yarn! And I didn't... but since they had sold out of 4mm tips, it was perfectly logical to purchase the entire Spectra set, right?
These are plastic rather than wooden but the tips are nice and sharp, so I think they'll be awesome for lace :)

Events / Challenges / KALs
Several podcasts (Knitmore Girls and 2 Knit Lit Chicks for sure... possibly also Must Stash?) have announced a Sweater KAL for the autumn (starting September 15th). I'm very tempted... I know I already have 3 sweater-type-projects on the needles, but two of them will soon be done, and it would be a nice motivation to get moving on my Stashbuster projects for the Year of Projects KAL. Besides, I've been wanting to knit another $5 in Paris for quite awhile, and the last one took me just 10 days to knit, so... Like I said, tempting!


  1. Ooh! Thanks for the heads up about the Sweater KAL. This will be great motivation to get some things off the needles so that I can cast-on in 12 days!
